Saturday 21 April 2012

spirit in a glass bottle

Grimm's Spirit in the bottle 

"But the son went into the woods, ate his bread, was very cheerful, and looked into the green branches to see if he could find a bird's nest. He walked to and fro until at last he came to an enormous oak that was certainly many hundred years old, and that five men would not have been able to span. He stood there looking at it, and thought, "Many a bird must have built its nest in that tree."

art for ngni blog

Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Monster

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

"His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful!-Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath: his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriences only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips"

Sunday 15 April 2012

The Raven

 The Raven-Edgar Allan Poe

"But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door..."


Saturday 14 April 2012

Edo Edi Essum

Edo Edi Essum     
from the universe of the holders by anonymous  

He has been called many names by many people.


Eternal Void.

One day you might begin to notice your world change- sounds becoming quieter, colors less vibrant, your very senses less vivid. Quake in despair at that moment, lamentable one, for your fate is sealed.

If you're truly damned, you might see him before your end- a silhouette, cloaked in black. Its form changes and swirls, nonexistence incarnate, a paradox of paradoxes.

He exists to devour.

To gorge himself upon the very fabric of life and existence.
He cares for naught but the satiation of his hunger.  
His name is Edo Edi Essum.

And you cannot stop him.


Friday 13 April 2012

The King of Asteroid 325

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
 Chapter 10: where the prince meets a king

"Ah! Here is a subject," exclaimed the king, when he saw the little prince coming.
And the little prince asked himself:
"How could he recognize me when he had never seen me before?"
He did not know how the world is simplified for kings. To them, all men are subjects. 

Wednesday 11 April 2012


"When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin. He was lying on his back as hard as armor plate, and when he lifted his head a little, he saw his vaulted brown belly, sectioned by arch-shaped ribs, to whose dome the cover, about to slide off completely, could barely cling. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, were waving helplessly before his eyes."
- The Metamorphosis, Ch.1 by Franz Kafka

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Barbarian revealed

90ish minute alchemy sketch (click on the image to enlarge)

"The barbarians fulfilled their purpose with unwavering determination for centuries, dwelling in a pristine state of isolation. Anything that could lead toward distraction or weakness was pushed aside, including politics, magic, trade, and machinery. Tribes patrolling Mount Arreat brooked no intrusion from outsiders, without question or parley. It was a pure existence, a life committed to the sword, axe, spear, shield, and duty above all else."--barbarian revealed, diablo III